This is my Frist LARP Q&A

Q: What should I bring?

A: A costume which meets the minimum requirements of the Variant you choose to play

  • Plenty of socks and underwear

  • Bedding and toiletries

  • Food for the weekend (if you did not purchase a meal plan)

  • A container for water

  • costuming for 3 days (as well as possible spare pieces in case of splatter mods or rain)

  • a boffer and physical representation props for certain in game items your character may carry

  • A Black sheet (if possible)

Q: What does the game provide?

a: An exciting weekend event of action and horror roleplay from 8pm Friday till 12pm Sunday

  • A bed in an air-conditioned cabin, a restroom, and shower (hot water)

  • A community focused on respect, consent, and shared storytelling

  • Access to a conveniently priced meal plan prepared by a professional chef

Q: What if I don’t have a Boffer?

A: No worries you can borrow one of ours for the first 3 months.

Q: Are meals provided?

A: You may choose to purchase a meal plan during your pre-registration for the event. If you did not register for the meal plan, or you simply want some extra snacks you will need to bring that food with you. Food containers, like all other visible props should be made genre appropriate so as to add to the immersion during gameplay.

Q: When should I arrive?

A: You will want to arrive in the afternoon or early evening on Friday. Check-in will be at 7pm followed by opening announcements at 8pm. Game on will start at 9pm. You will want to be settled in before game begins. If you have signed up for a setup shift you will need to be able to arrive early to help get the site setup and ready for game, this will be coordinated with your logistics Coordinator.

Q: Do we have any downtime during the weekend?

A: Not really, Once game is on the event is in full immersion mode. you are in character at all times. You are eating, sleeping, talking, crafting, and fighting as your character. You will be expected to stay in costume at all times during the event.

Q: What is NPC?

A: NPC is where you get to play a “Non-player Character.

Q: Do I have to NPC?

A: You will be required to do 4 hours of NPC time each event. You may separate this time into two, two-hour blocks, or take all four hours at the same time. You may also do additional NPC time to earn Brownie Points. You may choose to do these anytime you like but if you pre-register a time during check in.

Q: Do I have to bring a tent?

A: No, we have air-conditioned cabins.













When game ends at noon all combat and hard roleplay must end. As so as game-off is called please end all of your in character conversations and return to your bunks to drop off any weapons and other bulky costume pieces.

We do ask that at 12:15 you attend closing announcements which will be held at the same location as opening announcements. These announcements will include information on the upcoming game, any necessary information that players need to be aware of about things that happened during the weekend and it is here that you will divide up into your cleanup crews. Each player is expected and required to aid in cleaning up the camp. It is our goal that we leave the camp cleaner then we found it. We will walk the trails, clean the public spaces and the kitchen, and otherwise pick up.

After you finish and get signed off on your cleanup shift by the supervising marshal you can start cabin cleanup. It is expected that you make sure your cabin is clean and nice looking before you leave site, a marshal will come by and check off that the cabin is clean when you are done.

Once cabin and camp cleanup is finished the event is over. Many players like to go to a local restraint for “Afters” to decompress and debriefed after an event. The location of “afters” will given out during closing announcements.

We recommend that after getting a hot meal at “afters” you go home and get some rest. Its time to start planning for the next event.