Costuming and Props

It should be the goal of our theming and your costuming to present a GROUNDED but simultaneously pulp action version of this game’s reality. We see mohawks, studded leather, and repurposed sports equipment alongside aliens, magic, and Bizarrely mutated creatures. That being said, our goal is to create some amount of continuity and consistency in this crazy world. the game’s Dying Earth and post apocalyptic genre does have a certain feel and look.

The Post-Apocalyptic genre is an aesthetic based off of the idea of a world that has suffered a civilization ending event and the aftermath that followed. The theme focuses on the travails or psychology of the survivors in a dangerous land that challenges them on every side, and their struggle to adapt, and in some cases thrive. This post-apocalyptic story takes place in a fictional future where only scattered elements of society and technology remain, mostly in the form of analog machinery devoid of circuitry that are subject to the constant radioactive decay. a main theme for the game world is one where resources are scarce, and most everything is made from something that came before. Please refer to the Costume an Genre guide in the ‘Fractured Sun’ Core Rulebook.

Post-apocalyptic fashion styles showcase how dire themes and harsh circumstances have a unique way of translating into haute couture clothing styles. While many of the skills and techniques to make new items and clothing are still prevalent, everything has been reduced to cottage industry levels.  Most materials have been scavenged, reused, or repurposed. From road warrior fashion to survival clothing styles, apocalyptic fashion designs creatively merge battle attire with chic clothing inspirations. Avoid bright colors except for the occasional accessory. Choose items that would serve a function in a post-apocalyptic setting, such as leather jackets, camouflage pants or military uniforms. Wear multiple layers, such as a skirt over pants, or a coat over a vest and shirt.  Armor physical representations should showcase the type and style of armor such as heavy armor including bulky metal-appearing plates or light armor that is less bulky but still representative of an armored qualities.

Some Examples to consider…

“The 3 D’s” Dirty, Distressed, and Decayed

Mad Max: Core to the Dying Earth Genre is that the game has a primarily post-apocalyptic tone and vision. There are some new products being created but the vast majority of items, clothes, gear, and building materials have been scavenged from the remains of Scorched Earth and either repaired or repurposed to make them useful. Nothing gets thrown away, nothing gets scrapped, because there is not enough to go around, and no one can afford to waste anything.

Fallout: One of the most popular post-apocalyptic games. it shows a world where humans are trying to rebuild, often repurposing things from the past, but also trying to develop something new. In addition to epitomizing the 3 D’s, it shows how the focus on survival can create new cultures and social groups that may seem harsh, but have a place in this new world.

Into the Badlands: Another show that shows civilization rising after devastation and takes a pseudo-mystical bent towards the possible future. The wild visuals, strong costuming, and recycled world themes work very well for scorched Earth, as does the culture of a brutal world the show portrays.

The 100: The series is set 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth. Not all humanity was wiped out but resources are scarce. The people are stuck confronting the dangers of the rugged, they struggle to form a tentative community. They left to do what they need to survive.

The Logistics Coordinator or their appointed person will work with each player to reach the full costuming BP Points which will be awarded at check-in or around that time so please come to check-in wearing your costuming.

Clear Variant Representation- 10 Points

Outstanding Variant Representation- 10 Points  

Post-Apocalyptic Genre Garb/armor- 10 Points

Accessories (including weapons, Scavenging Bag, carried gear props, etc)- 20 Points

Brazen players may costume with long pointed ears, gold and brass skin patterns, or red striped flesh. It is not required but Brazen players often find that using desert-style layered clothing, earth-toned and worn-looking gear, hydration masks, and scarves convey their theme and Variant nature well.  The ‘Dune’ film showcases the ‘Fremen’ whose costuming is a good example of what can be done for Brazen. 

Caliban players may costume their Variant with heavy skin splotching using purple and green to appear poisoned or full of toxins, insectoid/bug-like features which must include antennae at a minimum, or small stunted bat wings on their back. It is not required, but Caliban players often find that using technical items as scrap pieces for costumes, jumpsuits, lab coats, and or truly ragged and heavily distressed clothing that feels like a technician or underground dweller often conveys their theme and Variant nature well. 

Feral players may costume with a decidedly predatory or beast-like visage, animal-like features, a tail, claws, animal eye contacts, or werewolf motif costuming. It is not required but Feral players often find that using hunting clothing, raw or split leather garments, and hanging trophies and other mementos on their costumes often conveys their theme and Variant nature well.  *Feral costuming should never be cute or playful in nature. They are mutated to convey fear and predatory prowess. 

Fortuna players may costume with a jaundiced look, yellow eyes, pure white/silver hair, or extensive yellow clothing. It is not required but Fortuna players often find that using finer-than-usual clothing options, symbols of aristocracy, and yellow accents conveys their theme and Variant nature well. 

Groza players may costume with Inhumanly blue eyes (done through contacts or vibrant blue makeup circling the eye), bluing skin, or hair with blue streaks. Groza players should use furs as accents on various pieces of gear as well as cultural elements from northern-dwelling peoples.  These often convey their theme and Variant nature well. 

 Kerneros players may costume with a pair of satyr horns or antlers, goat-like features, a “green man” effect, or skin sprouting vines and flowers.  It is not required but Kerneros players often find that wearing wild ‘fey’ like clothing, as well as clothing made from all natural materials and with a handmade ‘ren faire’ appearance conveys their theme and Variant nature well.  You must costume the Satyr / Ram horns to have ‘Hard Horns’ expression.

Nereid players may costume with sea monster or fish-person prosthetics and makeup, tentacles, gills, fish eye contacts, or greenish skin. Tetrabrachic Nereid need to costume all four arms. It is not required but Nereid players often find that using sleek costuming that looks like it could be swam in, netting accents, and ocean paraphernalia like shells and coral often conveys their theme and Variant nature well. They may not have brown or red skin coloring as that falls under other Variants.

Peregrine players may costume their Variants with black eyes either through contact lenses or by blackening the skin all the way around the eye, or black veins in the flesh.  It is not required but Peregrine players often find that roadster-style clothing, nomad looks, explorer gear, automotive accouterments, and black fingernails and hair streaking conveys their theme and Variant nature well.

Raptor players may costume with Draconic, Pterosaur, or Bird like wings attached to their arms, Features like that of a hawk, serpent, or feathered dinosaur, or Avian/Reptilian contact lenses. Please stick to non- blue, green, or purple make-up. This restriction does not apply to feathers.  It is to eliminate confusion with other Variants. It is not required but Raptor players often find that using lightweight clothing, harnesses, climbing gear, and goggles conveys their theme and Variant nature well

Revenant players may costume with a zombie or undead appearance, skull face, desiccation, or ghost-like or ectoplasmic glowing effects.  It is not required but Revenant players often find that wearing tough pragmatic clothing, carrying survival and field gear, and wearing small death charms conveys their theme and Variant nature well.

Titan players may costume with greyed skin, stone-like cracks and fissures, glowing symbols on their forehead, or inhuman red eyes (either through contact lenses or by reddening the skin all the way around the eye).  It is not required but Titan players often find that using heavy-looking gear, broad-shouldered costuming, and large footwear often conveys their theme and Variant nature well. 

Veda players must costume with a realistic-looking third eye either drawn on or, preferably, a prosthetic piece. Some players find it helpful to place the eye prosthetic in an easily donned headband. It is not required but Veda players often find that wearing dogma charms, crystals, and other new-age accouterments and costume additions conveys their theme and Variant nature well.