The Story of Fractured Sun as we know it

99 A.C. ~ After Carrington, That changed everything, when our Sun broke…

Something in its core, something deep and fundamental to our understanding of physics and fusion fractured, and the steady yellow light that grew plants and warmed the Earth suffered a catastrophic failure. It began with what is now called the First Fracture. Long range telescopes and spectrum analysis showed a massive flare surging from the sun’s surface. Scientists call this phenomenon a Carrington Event, and it has happened before. This time it was different. It was not normal light, it radiated on frequencies and with luminous characteristics scientists had never seen before. For a few moments the world’s leading astrophysicists were fascinated, but then the flare washed across our magnetosphere sending a cascade of electromagnetic waves crashing into the surface, altering the polar alignment and permanently destroying every circuit and advanced electronic device in the world. Magnetics switched polarities, engines failed, and the world went dark. Civilization as we knew it ended in an instant. 

Then that civilization burned. Cataclysmic weather events, flare born fires, unprecedented heat waves and violent storms tore through the cities and farmlands over the next few months. By the time the world began to calm the great cities lay in cinders, the fields and crops were gone, and little of what humans had built remained standing. Billions were dead, and without food or shelter more would follow. Following the burning came a polar winter brought on by the axis shift and the massive amount of dust and gas flooding the atmosphere. It blackened out the sky and froze the planet. It took five years for that winter to pass.

Only a scant few humans remained, those that had made it through the Solar Apocalypse called this world Scorched Earth, and were determined to survive it. With what little they had, they rebuilt simple electronics, and learned to shield themselves from the constant solar flares. They made basic instruments and tried to determine the cause of this devastating series of events. They quickly discovered that the world was no longer the way it was, not just from the devastation, but that life itself and the fabric of reality had taken a turn. Scorched Earth was barely recognizable as its former self. Alien plants and strange monsters stalked the world, jungles full of dangerous and twisted life cropped up all over the globe, and blasted deserts existed where the jungles did not. The survivors found that the light of this new sun had an effect on them as well, most went mad warped by the reality altering powers of the new spectrum. Others changed and grew stronger. In a few short years they began mutating into strange new forms, still human, but also something else. They called these forms Variants . What's more this vital life-giving power seems to even be able to revive the dead.

They learned that the sun was emitting strange frequencies, barely detectable at most times, but unknown to modern physics and beyond its explanation. This set of unexplainable wavelengths was titled the New Spectrum, and the people began to study its horrific and miraculous properties as well as its ties to humanity’s physical changes, newfound strength and burgeoning psychic powers. Where the light of this new frequency was most intense, fractures in space-time would form opening gateways to other worlds, timelines, and realities. From these fractures came monstrosities, beings of dreams and fantasy, and other more mysterious entities. 

Each month another wavelength of this strange new spectrum comes to dominate the intensity and focus from the fractured sun and its power violently changes the landscape, alters the essential physics of the world, and causes humans to change into new forms. Humans quickly learned to keep careful monitoring of this cycle and prepare for each new hazard. 

It is into this new world and under this new sun that you find yourself. A descendant of those strong enough to survive the Solar Apocalypse. A burnt and merciless landscape unfolds before you. It is filled with unknown dangers, unbelievable miracles, and mind breaking revelations. It's yours to take if you can. It is yours to survive, or thrive within. A wanderer under the Fractured Sun.